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Amit Prasad
CEO of Oorja Farms
Mr. Amit Prasad, our Mushroom farming expert, is an MBA graduate from IMT, he has 20+ years of experience working in senior positions with big corporate companies like Nerolac Paints and Airtel.A few years ago he decided to go to his hometown and start his mushroom farming business. In only a few years, he has now established a very successful business and even has a consumer brand of pasta and other food products located in uttrakhand.His wife is also a partner in his business. After setting up his own business, Amit now has more time for his family and more satisfaction with his career. He now wants to help incoming farmers who want to establish a mushroom business.
Abhinav Dobrial
Biofloc Expert, Aquaculture Entrepreneur
Abhinav Dobrial quit his well-paid job as an Aeronautical Engineer in Indigo airlines & started his own farm back in 2011. He has built a profitable business in various fish culture’s is now regarded as one the most renowned and successful Biofloc fish farmers in India. He has a massive Biofloc Setup in NCR and has won many accolades nationally and internationally for the past 10 years.
Mr. Deepak Patidar, Goat farmer
CEO of Goatwala farm, B.Sc Agriculture
With a B.Sc. Agriculture from College of Agriculture, Indore, M.P. in 2000, Mr. Deepak Patidar ventured into the world of goat farming and has been active for over 20 years now.He has established Goatwala Farm in village Sundrel based on Intensive type of goat farming, with over 500 goats of different varieties.He also has to his credit prestigious engagements like serving as the Vice President of the Goat and Sheep Farmer Welfare Association and being a Board Member at Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary university Jabalpur MP for a decade since 2009 till 2019.
Dr. Santosh Tiwari
Vermicompost & Environmental Sanitation Specialist
During the three-year long project, Dr Santosh facilitated construction of vermi units in 180 farmer households alongside running training and awareness drives. He was also felicitated with the Young Scientist Award in 2007 and in 2010, he was awarded the coveted PhD in Vermicomposting. He is licensed to commercially run the vermicompost business since 2009 and has assisted hundreds of farmers with procuring the same
Sachin Dhamdhere
Bsc. Agriculture, 10 years of dairy farming
Mr. Sachin Dhamdhere is a farm manager by profession who has expertise in Feeding and Forage Management.He has been advising big large herd dairy farms like Happy Milk (Bangalore), SRC Farm (Kolkata) and many more as a subject matter expert. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from MPKV Rahuri and proceeded to get a certification from the prestigious Penn-state College of Agriculture.
Mr. Kiran Bhaskaran
Founder: Indian Farm School

Mr. Kiran Bhaskaran, an MBA by education and an Organic Farmer, Organic Farming Consultant & Student by passion has been an active consultant for the past 9 years in the field of Organic Food, Farming and Sustainable Agriculture Practices.

He holds wide experience in designing and developing Indigenous Food and Fruit Forests, Integrated Farm Systems, Unique & Customized Training & School Gardening Curricula.

Anupa Velusamy
Anupa worked as software engineer from HCL & later completed PGDM in Retail management from  BIT, Greater Noida, She had 2 years hands on experience on Accounting from Roman Associates, Singapore.After understanding the farming practice prevailed in Asia Pacific and scope of BSF in future, she finally in the year 2017, decided to return to India and became a BSF Farmer. With extensive research and understanding in BSF farming, started the company KovaiBSF in 2018.  KovaiBSF is now a pioneer firm to successfully engaged into commercial level BSF farming and trading in India.
Mr. Raja - Poultry Expert
Certified Poultry Farmer (IGNOU)
Mr. Raja is a certified poultry farmer having over 3+ years of experience & running poultry farms in Delhi. Before this, he was a Marketing & Communication Manager at a 5-star hotel in Delhi. Currently, he owns the only Kadaknath farm in Central Delhi by the name RB Organic Farms dealing in Kadaknath meat and eggs, training people on Kadaknath farming & own one restaurant and cloud kitchen in Delhi/NCR. 
Keval Ahir
MD. Croptek Agri
Mr. Keval Ahir, the managing director of Croptek Agri Grower Pvt. Ltd, is a professional hydroponics project developer. He holds a degree of Masters in Biotechnology from VNSGU and also a diploma in business management from EDI, Gandhinagar.Mr. Keval Ahir has 8+ years of experience in hi-tech farming methods as a grower, consultant and manager. He has worked with some very proficient groups like Welspun Group, AAU, NAU, SAU, Zydus-Cadila Group, and many individuals, etc.
Bruben Abraham
Founder of Sayujya Solutions and Sayujya farms
Mr. Bruben has done his MBA from St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore & has also successfully completed training programs from Kerala University of Fisheries and ocean studies on aquaculture and other fisheries-related program.Passionate about sustainable development and sustainable aquaculture, Mr. Bruben provides consultancy, training programs and technical know-how for new farmers wanting to get into the biofloc fish farming business.
अमित प्रसाद
CEO - ऊरजा फार्म्स
श्री अमित प्रसाद, हमारे मशरूम खेती विशेषज्ञ, आईएमटी से एमबीए स्नातक हैं, उनके पास Nerulac Paints और Airtel जैसी बड़ी कॉर्पोरेट कंपनियों के साथ वरिष्ठ पदों पर काम करने का 20 साल का अनुभव है। कुछ साल पहले उन्होंने अपने गृहनगर जाकर मशरूम की खेती का व्यवसाय शुरू करने का फैसला किया। केवल कुछ वर्षों में, उन्होंने अब एक बहुत ही सफल व्यवसाय स्थापित किया है और यहां तक ​​कि उत्तराखंड में स्थित पास्ता और अन्य खाद्य उत्पादों का एक उपभोक्ता ब्रांड भी है। उनकी पत्नी भी उनके व्यवसाय में भागीदार है। अपना खुद का व्यवसाय स्थापित करने के बाद, अमित के पास अब अपने परिवार के लिए अधिक समय है और अपने करियर से अधिक संतुष्टि है। वह अब आने वाले किसानों की मदद करना चाहते हैं जो मशरूम का व्यवसाय स्थापित करना चाहते हैं।
एस.के. सिंह
जैविक खेती विशेषज्ञ
जैविक, प्राकृतिक एवं टिकाऊ खेती के जानकार। कृषि परास्नातक उद्यान विज्ञान विषय के साथ अपने ज्ञान को बढ़ाया और बहुत सारी कंपनियों के साथ काम किया। जैविक उत्पादों के प्रमाणीकरण की जानकारी रखते हैं। देष के अनेक राज्यों में जैविक खेती पर कार्य करने का अनुभव। जैविक खेती में 19 वर्षों का अनुभव।

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